The 2025-2028 Acrobatic Gymnastics Code of Points.
Last update : 2024-11-03
The rules for the next olympic cycle have been published on the FIG website.
Here below are the main differences compared to the previous rules.
Please note that these changes will come into effect on January 1, 2025 and that coaches and judges should read the official documents in their entirety.
Pairs Balance exercises:
- Not more than 3 elements for difficulty can be performed in a series or in immediate succession.
Groups Balance exercises
- When the top and the middle(second Top) perform the same static position at the same time,
it is considered to be 1 static hold.
- After transitioning from one box to another, going back to the same box is not allowed.
- The restriction not allowing a top to use an additional/different point of support in the static hold
during a transition to be credited with difficulty is no longer present.
Dynamic exercises:
- The number of dismounts does no longer have its specific limitation. However, the number of landings on the floor from dismounts or dynamic elements is limited to 4 maximum.
- The one element with one partner not participating, previously allowed in the Mens' Groups category, isn't anymore.
The requirement for all the partners to be actively involved for an element to be evaluated for difficulty is now true for all 5 categories.
However, assisting the landing on the floor is now considered as an active role.
- A maximum of 4 elements for difficulty, performed in a series or in immediate succession,
can be done only 1 time.
- For the men's groups, only 2 elements with a throw of 1 partner by the 3 acting together may be evaluated for
difficulty. It was only 1 before.
- When a men's group performs an element working as two pairs, the difficulty values of the Pair elements are added together.
The sum is no longer divided by 2.
In the Combined exercise, all the Balance and Dynamic exercises restrictions apply, except:
- For the Pairs, If a series is a combination of Balance and Dynamic elements, 4 elements for
difficulty can be performed in this series.
- Not more than 3 landings on the floor, from dismounts or dynamic elements, will be evaluated for difficulty.
All aspects of artistry judging have been carefully reviewed. The criteria have been substantially
reduced. The new Code of Points reflects the artistry questionnaire published in 2023.
The following is added:
- The walk-on must be in a natural and relaxed manner. No marching in!
- Extreme faces and playback imitations (lip syncing) should be avoided.
Extreme aggressive, impolite and disrespectful attitude must be avoided.
- The partners have to maintain their emotion throughout the performance.
- The partners must show unity showing synchronized movements.
- All positions with the head of the base between the upper legs of the top are forbidden in choreography. CJP deduction: 0.3
- Gymnasts must wear gymnastics non-transparent attire.
- For safety reasons the diameter of the stones is limited to a maximum of 10 mm.
- Character hair accessories are allowed only if made of fabric and attached to the hair.
- The breaking of dark trousers with light color pattern requirement is no longer mentioned.
Tariff Sheets:
The pair/group elements and the individual elements must appear together in the order they will be performed. Tariff sheets with the individual elements drawn separately will no longer be allowed.
Execution Faults:
Legs/feet not together in the landings out of Pair/Group elements: 0.1
Appendix 1:
- Two sections are added for standing and sitting with spread legs.
- One section is added with the artistic criteria pictograms.
The Appendix 5 with the attire guidelines is reworked.
The 12-18 age group is renamed YOUTH and the WAGC will be named the World Youth and Junior Competitions (WYJC).
For the youth, the maximum difficulty is raised by 10 and will be 90 for the balance exercises, 80 for the dynamic exercises and 110 for the combined exercises.
The 11-16 age group is renamed pre-youth.
The World Cup Series no longer span over two years.
The events for a serie will be organised during the February - April and September - November periods of the same year.
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