The U.E.G. is the European Gymnastics Union. It regroups the european federations affiliated to the F.I.G..
Due to the merger of the I.F.S.A. within the F.I.G. discussions regarding a corresponding merger between the U.E.G. and the EUROSAF started on March 19th, 1999 in Frankfurt/M. The decision to merge with UEG was made at the EUROSAF congress in June 1999 at the European Championships in Poland. During the UEG congress held on October 31st, 1999 in Luxemburg, the merger was agreed and a working group for the sports acrobatics was created. Its members were :
- Laurie Colton (GBR) President - Luis Morais (POR) member - Jörg Stucki (SUI) member - Geert Vandenberge (BEL) member
In september 2001, the first Sports Acrobatics Technical Committee was elected at the 18th U.E.G. Congress. It was composed of :
- Laurie Colton (GBR) President - Raul Manuel Correia (POR) member - Geert Vandenberge (BEL) member - Galina Kovalchuk (UKR) member - Wieslawa Milewska (POL) member
The 21st UEG congress was held on September 9-10, 2005 in Birmingham (GBR). During the first day, all proposals from the Executive Committee were approved by the member federations. One of them increases the technical committee Acro from five to seven members.
On the second day were held the new committees elections. Laurie Colton (GBR) was re-elected as president of Acro TC. The members of the 2006-2009 technical committee for acrobatic gymnastics were :
- Dragomir DRAGANOV (BUL)
- Wieslawa MILEWSKA (POL)
- Norbert MÜLLMANN (GER)
- Carine PERIDY (FRA)
- Dmitry VINIKOV (RUS)
During the 23rd Congress of the UEG, held on November 6-7, 2009, all members of the UEG Authorities had to be re-elected. As a result of these elections, the 2010-2013 TC ACRO is composed of :
- Laurie COLTON (GBR) President - Carine PERIDY-CHARLIER (FRA) member (Vice President) - Bernardo GRACA TOMAS (POR) member - Kerstin HOFFMANN (GER) member - Galina KOVALCHUK (UKR) member - Dmitry VINNIKOV (RUS) member - Urszula WOJTKOWIAK (POL) member
The UEG authorities elections for the 2014-2017 cycle were held during its 25th Congress in Portorož (SLO), December 6 to 7, 2013.
Mrs Carine CHARLIER ran unopposed and is elected President of the ACRO TC.
The elected members of this committee are :
- Mr. Bernardo GRACA TOMAS POR - Ms. Kerstin HOFFMANN GER - Ms. Halyna KOVALCHUK UKR - Ms. Melanie SANDERS GBR - Mr. Dmitrii VINNIKOV RUS - Ms. Urszula WOJTKOWIAK POL
During the 27th UEG Congress, which was held on Decembre 1-2, 2017 in Split (CRO), two new membres of the Technical Committee for the Acrobatic Gymnastics were elected.
There, Mrs Carine CHARLIER was also re-elected as President of this committee.
The UEG Technical Committee for the Acrobatic Gymnastics for the 2017-20 Cycle is composed of:
- Carine CHARLIER (FRA) president - Bernardo TOMAS (POR) membre - Dmitry VINNIKOV (RUS) membre - Nikolay IVANOV (BUL) membre - Melanie SANDERS (GBR) membre - Juan LEON-PRADOS (ESP) membre - Urszula WOJTKOWIAK (POL) membre
On April 1st, 2020, the UEG was renamed European Gymnastics.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Gymnastics authorities remained the same in 2022.
During its 29th Congress, which was held on Decembre 2-3, 2022 in Albufeira (POR), the European Gymnastics authorities for the next 3 years were elected.
Mrs Carine CHARLIER was re-elected as President of the Acrobatic Gymnastics Technical Committee.
The European Gymnastics ACRO-TC for the 2023-25 Cycle is composed of:
- Carine CHARLIER (FRA) president - Juan LEON-PRADOS (ESP) membre - Nikolay IVANOV (BUL) membre - Melanie SANDERS (GBR) membre - Amir MOZES (ISR) membre - Kataryzna MAJEWSKA KASPARZAK (POL) membre - Revaz GURGENIDZE (RUS) membre
Last update : 2023-08-15
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